
JCFI: Collaborating to serve military, veteran families

Our work with Joining Community Forces Indiana (JCFI) enables us to address a number of issues that impact military and veteran families. For example, we help to educate communities about Indiana’s veteran treatment courts. VTCs are designed to help veterans with mental health or substance abuse issues who face specific nonviolent charges.

Visualizing data and Measuring Communities

Measuring Communities is a social indicators initiative designed to help shape efforts to support military and veteran families. By assembling, making available and visually representing military- and veteran-specific data, the initiative gives communities valuable information that helps them better serve these families.

Student engagement at MFRI

MFRI internship opportunities offer Purdue University students the chance to earn course credits, build their resumes and enhance their knowledge. Interns and student workers participate on all MFRI teams as they learn about military members, veterans and their families. MFRI is proud to work in collaboration with Purdue departments to educate future leaders.

MFRI’s Focus Forward Fellowship serves women student veterans

MFRI’s 2018 Focus Forward Fellowship designed to build skills, leadership and a sense of community among women student veterans, will be held at Purdue University. The Fellowship takes place July 25–28, with Fellows traveling home on July 29th.

MFRI research focuses on couple communication during deployment

Communication is key to relationship success, especially for intimate partners. To learn more about how deployments impact couples’ communication, MFRI researchers recruited 87 partners of deployed service members to complete daily diaries about their communication.

Student opportunities grow experience, knowledge

Are you thinking about a unique, challenging internship experience that offers an array of hands-on opportunities, college credit and a rewarding experience? MFRI is accepting interns for the upcoming spring semester within the External Relations, Family Support and Research teams. Internships are open to qualified Purdue students, especially those who are interested in serving military-connected families. […]

MFRI director receives Leadership in Action award

Shelley MacDermid Wadsworth, professor of human development and family studies and director of MFRI, was honored to receive Purdue’s Susan Bulkeley Butler Center Leadership in Action Award on Dec. 5. The Leadership in Action Award recognizes Purdue faculty, staff, and students who have shown exemplary leadership within their areas of expertise. Recipients must demonstrate: Overarching […]

Students from across campus build skills at MFRI

MFRI offers many opportunities for students to gain professional skills as interns, student employees and research assistants. The students who engage with military and veteran families at MFRI come for a variety of backgrounds, such as pharmacy, engineering, interior design, communications and more. Involving students in projects that enhance their professional and academic skills helps prepare them for future endeavors.