MFRI’s Advisory Council includes military and veteran representatives, community and industry leaders, researchers, academic professionals, Purdue alumni, practitioners and policymakers.
All members share a passion for supporting military and veteran families. They provide feedback, offer resources and help advance our mission.

Charlene D. Austin, M.S.
Military Family Consultant and Advocate
Capt. William Baas, EdD (U.S. Navy Retired)
Vice President, Human Resources
Comcast NBCUniversal
Ron Davis, PhD
Retired Vice President, Nashville State Community College
Lee Ann De Reus, PhD
Executive Director
No Means No Worldwide
Robert B. Doshi
High Altitude Trailer Co.
Jonathan Douglas
Head, Requirements Analysis Branch
United States Department of the Navy
Rear Adm. Karen Flaherty-Oxler (Retired, U.S. Navy)
Executive Director
Corporal Michael J. Crescenz VA Medical Center
Michael Heard
Executive Vice President and COO
National Organization of Life and Health Insurance Guaranty Associations
Marcy Karin, JD
Professor of Law
Jack & Lovell Olender Director, Legislation/Civil Rights Clinic
David A. Clarke School of Law
University of the District of Columbia
Dave Lapan
Communication consultant
C3 Communication
Patricia Lester, MD
Jane and Marc Nathanson Family Professor of Psychiatry, David Geffen School of Medicine
Director, Nathanson Family Resilience Center
Bryan Morris
Project Executive
Executive Construction
Meg O’Grady
Senior Vice President, Military and Government Programs
National University System
Trooper Sanders
Chief Executive Officer
Benefits Data Trust
Nora Spinks
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Barbara Thompson
Former Director
Office of Military Family Readiness Policy
Melissa Washington
Co-Founder and Publisher, Women Veterans Magazine
CEO and Founder, Women Veterans Alliance
Brigadier General Marianne Watson (Retired, U.S. Army)
PREVENTS Ambassador
Presidential Suicide Prevention Task Force
Joyce Wessel Raezer
Military family advocate and policy expert
Alexandria, Virginia
Col. Randy Whitecotton
Commander, 2nd Mission Support Group
Barksdale Air Force Base
Steve Wilson, PhD
Professor, Department of Communication
University of South Florida
Cliff Wojtalewicz
Operations Manager
Oklahoma Aerospace & Defense Innovation Institute (OADII)
University of Oklahoma