The Higher Education Landscape (2009)


Military Family Research Institute. (2009). The higher education landscape. West Lafayette, IN: Sternberg, M., MacDermid, S., Vaughan, J., & Carlson, R.


In the wake of changes MFRI sought to gain a deeper understanding of the landscape of support for student service members and veterans in universities and colleges across Indiana. MFRI determined what supports and services existed to assist military members and their families as they entered or returned to higher education; increased awareness of the needs of student service members and veterans; and increased the visibility of promising programming for student service members and veterans. The report aimed to identify gaps in support for student service members and veterans and to share possible new strategies that institutions could implement to ensure access and success for this unique population. As a result of the techniques used to gather information for this report, MFRI found that campuses across Indiana were unevenly prepared to assist student service members and veterans as they transitioned from military service to higher education.

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