Military OneSource Counseling: First Armored Division Pilot Counseling Program (2005)


Military Family Research Institute. (2005). Military OnceSource Counseling: First Armored Division Pilot Counseling Program. West Lafayette, IN: Sprenkle, D., MacDermid, S., & Ko, M.


Military OneSource is a resource created to offer military members and their families 24/7 help with both day-to-day issues and larger problems from any location. However, the network of typical OneSource counselors available in the U.S. is not available in Europe. This document reports on a program that created new non-medical counseling resources for military families at multiple Army installations in Germany and one in Italy. Data came from 45 counselors regarding 1800 contacts. Findings suggest that the project was successful. The majority of cases were not “at risk.” Most of the contacts related to family problems and deployments issues. Interventions included listening/rapport building/support and education/information/consultation.

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