Passport Toward Success: Description and evaluation of a program designed to help children and families reconnect after a military deployment (2011)


Wilson, S., Wilkum, K., Chernichky, S., MacDermid Wadsworth, S., & Broniarczyk, K. (2011). Passport Toward Success: Description and evaluation of a program designed to help children and families reconnect after a military deployment. Journal of Applied Communication Research, 39(3), 223-249. doi: 10.1080/00909882.2011.585399


Since 9/11, nearly two million service members deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan; more than 750,000 deployed multiple times. This article evaluates Passport Toward Success, a program that rotates children whose military parent has recently returned from deployment through three interactive stations. The children practice skills related to coping with stress, problem-solving and discussing feelings along with similar-age peers. Researchers found that many children were experiencing difficulties associated with their parent’s deployment and reunion. The article discusses implications of these findings for the second phase of the program and for understanding how communication skills can promote resiliency for coping with repeated military deployments.