An examination of PTSD and relationship functioning in soldiers of the Iraq war over time (2012)


Erbes, C., Meis, L., Polusny, M., Compton, J., & MacDermid Wadsworth, S. M. (2012). An examination of PTSD and relationship functioning in soldiers of the Iraq war over time. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 25, 187-190. doi:10.1002/jts.21689


This article examined PTSD symptoms, symptom clusters of PTSD and relationship adjustment from a sample of U.S. National Guard soldiers from the Iraq war and their intimate partners. The results revealed that PTSD symptom severity significantly predicted lower relationship adjustment as rated by partners. The research found that PTSD symptoms did not significantly predict soldiers’ ratings of relationship adjustment, and that for soldiers, the PTSD symptom cluster of dysphoria was uniquely and significantly related to relationship adjustment. The research also found that for partners, none of the soldiers’ PTSD symptoms clusters was uniquely associated with relationship adjustment or with change in adjustment over time.