Youth’s sibling relationships across the course of a parent’s military deployment: Trajectories and implications (2020)


Whiteman, S. D., Hamwey, M. K., Topp, D. B., & MacDermid Wadsworth, S. M. (2020). Youth’s sibling relationships across the course of a parent’s military deployment: Trajectories and implications. Child Development, 91(6), 1988–2000.


“The present exploratory study explored the trajectories and implications of at-home (military unaffiliated) parents’ perceptions of youth’s sibling relationships across the course of a parent’s military deployment. Participants included 109 families with at least two siblings (older sibling and younger siblings age: M = 10.85, SD = 3.92 and M = 7.89, SD = 3.58, respectively) and one parent serving in the National Guard. Data were collected via in-home interviews, at six time points across the deployment cycle.”